Bouncy toys for infants
Bouncy toys for infants


You may need to adapt some activities to suit your child. Just like other children, they will enjoy being active and it will help their development. Activity for young children with a disabilityĪll babies and young children need to be active, including children with a long-term condition or disability, unless their health professionals give you different advice. There may be activities for parents and children at your local leisure centre or Sure Start Children's Centre. You're a role model for your child so stay active yourself and try to meet the physical activity guidelines for adults. Being active together shows your child that activity is enjoyable.


Have fun showing them how to do new things like running and hopping. It's good to join in with your child's active play when you can. See physical activity guidelines for children under 5. If you need to make a long car journey, consider taking a break and getting your child out of their seat for a bit.


Watching TV or using a tablet for long periods – or being strapped into a buggy, car seat or highchair – is not good for young children. Teach your child songs with actions and encourage them to dance to music.Involve your toddler in household tasks like unpacking shopping, tidying or sorting washing.Toys your child can pick up and move around will help improve their co-ordination and develop the muscles in their arms and hands.Toddlers and young children love going to the park, where they can climb and swing or just run around.Let your toddler walk with you rather than always using the buggy.Once your child is walking, they should be physically active for at least 180 minutes (3 hours) a day, spread throughout the day. If you do use a baby walker, bouncer or seat, it's best to use them for no more than 20 minutes at a time. baby carriers and seats – long periods in reclining carriers or seats, or seats that prop your baby in a sitting position, can delay your baby's ability to sit up on their walkers or bouncers – these encourage babies to stand on their tiptoes and can delay walking if your baby uses them a lot.It's important that your baby does not spend too much time in: Only do tummy time when your baby is awake and alert, and you're there to keep an eye on them. Put some toys nearby for them to reach out to. If your baby has difficulty lifting their head, you can roll up a towel and put it under their armpits. Then, when your baby is ready, try doing tummy time on the floor. Gradually increase the amount of time you do this day by day. You can start doing tummy time from birth by lying your baby on your chest – but only do this when you're wide awake and unlikely to fall asleep. Tummy time is important for your baby's development as it helps to build the muscles your baby needs for sitting and crawling. Tummy time is time your baby spends on their tummy when they are awake. See Start4Life for more activity tips for babies. You can take your baby swimming from a very young age – there's no need to wait until they've been vaccinated.

bouncy toys for infants bouncy toys for infants

  • Playing outdoors helps your baby learn about their surroundings.
  • Once your baby has started crawling, let them crawl around the floor, but make sure it's safe first – see our crawling safety checklist.
  • Pulling, pushing, grasping and playing with other people are great ways to practise different kinds of movements.
  • Lay your baby down on their back so they can kick their legs.
  • Head injury is the most common injury that may occur with jumpers.
  • This leads to their calf muscles getting tight, while gluteus muscles don’t get enough exercise, which can lead to toe-walking later.
  • The way babies are seated in a jumper, they mostly lean forward and are on their toes.
  • bouncy toys for infants

  • Jumper seats put the baby’s hips in a position that causes strain, which may lead to developmental hip disorders, such as hip dysplasia, or dislocation.
  • The risks of using baby jumpers include the following: Imbalances in muscle development can lead to problems later in life.

    bouncy toys for infants

    Jumpers have great entertainment value for a short time period (15 to 20 minutes, twice per day)but are essentially not good for the baby’s normal skeletal and muscle development if used over longer times and/or more frequently.

    Bouncy toys for infants